What are you doing TODAY from 1:45-2:45pm EDT?
Well, one GREAT answer is “Watching Lizzie’s LIVE bully prevention Webinar”!!
Click here to register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/rt/310137427427795715
You do not need to be on your computer – you can opt to watch on your phone instead!
Nobody Has the Power to Ruin Your Day Webinar hosted by NCEA (National Catholic Educational Association)
This unique live webcast experience allows teachers to invite Lizzie Sider, an 18 year old recording artist, nationally recognized speaker and anti-bullying advocate, into their classroom to present her anti bullying message directly to students, live, via the web, and to take questions, from the audience. Lizzie has personally performed her live Bully Prevention Assembly at nearly 400 schools throughout the country, and her Bully Prevention Video Package is now being used in over 3,400 schools representing over 2,250,000 students in all 50 states and beyond. All teachers will receive Lizzie’s anti-bullying video and resources free for joining the session!
Tuesday May 2, 2017 1:45 – 2:45 EDT