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Lizzie Sider Brings Anti-Bullying Tour to Haycock ES (Falls Church News-Press)

Published by Falls Church News-Press

Nov. 14, 2014

Lizzie Sider, a 16-year-old country singer, is bringing her Nobody Has The Power to Ruin Your Day tour to Haycock Elementary School next Wednesday, Nov. 19, at 10:20 a.m.

During the assembly, Sider will encourage Haycock students to help prevent bullying as she recounts her own personal journey as a young student was ridiculed and teased. She’ll also perform her original song “Butterfly,” which Lizzie co-wrote about her experiences overcoming teasing.

As part of a tour of the metropolitan region, Sider will also speak and perform at elementary schools in Centreville, Rockville and Gaithersburg.


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