“We just have to remember that where we pay attention matters more than we know. Our minds and hearts are like dry sponges. What we focus on is what will soak in and saturate us. If it is something foolish, we will make foolish decisions. If it is wise, we will make wise decisions.” - Lysa TerKeurst, Uninvited.
This excerpt is really resonating with me today! Remember how in my live school tour show, I talk about “how do you want to be known?” How we want to be known directly correlates with what we pay attention to and focus in on. If we focus in on things like bullying, vicious gossip, rudeness, or negativity, that is what we will soak in and that is what we will project. If we focus in on standing up for others, speaking words that uplift, kindness, and positivity, that is what we will soak in and that is what we will project... and therefore, how we will be known.
It’s important that we take a look at our lives often and reflect on what we are projecting, and see if that is in line with who we intend ourselves to be. And here’s the great news! Your evolution is never set in stone. So if you don’t love the choices you’ve been making, you can always change them! Pay attention to WHERE you are paying attention. It matters and it can hinder or help you become your highest, best self. ✨
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