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Writer's picture: NHTPTRYDNHTPTRYD

Intention and mindfulness. Two not so simple words. Two perfect words for today.

What better way to start the year than to say that we will have good intention and we will be mindful, in everything that we say and do. We will always do our very best and we will not let our words or actions harm anyone or make them feel less than, or inferior.

But being intentional and mindful are CHOICES. And they require a kind heart. Do you have a kind heart? I know you do! Even if your past is rocky, you can choose to change for the better. Let’s make this our #1 resolution for 2018.

As Andy Grammer so beautifully sang John Lennon’s words last night, “I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will live as one.”

HAPPY NEW YEAR from all of us at Team NHTPTRYD & Team Lizzie.


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